Nsc in dumor timothy alfalfa pellets
Nsc in dumor timothy alfalfa pellets

nsc in dumor timothy alfalfa pellets

  • Laboratory analysis of starches some are resistant to small intestine digestion (that is broken down by enzymes).
  • and one that I do not use professionally in evaluating carbohydrate content of feeds. The % NFC, non-fiber carbohydrate, is now the mathematical calculation of starches, sugars, etc.

    nsc in dumor timothy alfalfa pellets

    This confusion not only exists with horse owners but also in the veterinarian community. It may represent just starch, or starch and WSC (water soluble carbohydrates), or WSC and ESC (ethanol soluble carbohydrates), or an empirical estimate, or only fructans. Now the value is used loosely, a catch-all expression. % NSC was originally a calculated value that did not really reflect valuable information on carbohydrate content. In this fact sheet % NSC is defined as a combination of two analyses: starch and water soluble carbohydrates. Percent NSC is often the request I receive but is not a value that I use in discussion unless the evaluation is clearly defined. NSC is non structural carbohydrates and there is much confusion and inconsistency in the horse industry on how to evaluate carbohydrate content in feeds.

    Nsc in dumor timothy alfalfa pellets